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Showing posts from September, 2008

Cabin Time in Autumn

It was gorgeous! The drive was incredible through Mirror Lake Pass. We didn't stop to take pictures, however. The three year old was throwing up. I know. I'm oversharing. Again.

Eraser in my ear

I got a call from hubby asking me how late the InstaCare is open. #3 had an eraser stuck in her ear and he couldn't reach it. Later I found out she had an itch and was only scratching it with the eraser. When she pulled out the pencil, however, the eraser was gone.

Potty Training!

My life now revolves around the potty. I can't remember ever having this much fun. I have no interests or hobbies anymore. Just the potty. And laundry. I keep telling myself, "It's only temperary..." Sigh.