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Showing posts from October, 2019

I am Sad.

I wrote this a year ago in August. It still applies. How are you? I am sad. Is that okay with you? Apparently, it is not okay with most people. They ask me how I am. I just put my boy into the MTC where he will be for 7 weeks then shipped off to a foreign country I know nothing about except there is a huge Typhoon there right now wreaking havoc. They don’t know that I know that all the missionaries were relocated if they were in the path and they are all hunkered down with fresh water and food. But I miss him.  Additionally, I am remembering my mother’s last week and her subsequent death a year ago on Thursday. I miss her. It’s a special kind of sadness. It fills a hole where my mother occupied. Recognizing her absence and honoring my sadness honors her and me.  How are you, they ask. I’m sad.  But it’s a happy sad, right? But the time will fly! At least he went on a  mission . Bitter sweet, right? But where else would you want him? But it’s such a blessing