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Showing posts from June, 2012

Backyard Chickens

My new coop and run arrived nearly too late last week. I am ecstatic. The last hen came out of hiding only an hour earlier and I barely saved her from death by dog mauling although not from dog slobber. Basically, the story is that my 12 year old watched the oldest hen fall down into the window well from inside the house. He came and told me and I briefly saw more chicken carnage in my minds eye. Knee jerk reaction was to ask my 17 year old daughter to go look. Better parental sense kicked in and I ran outside. Of course, all the children followed me. The dog was in her run. That one is mysterious because none of us put her there. It is my best guess that a passing neighbor heard a commotion, knew Sunday's name and temperament (she's a ferociously friendly yellow lab), called her into her pen and left. Thank you, Samaritan. So the chickens had gotten out of their run. I had an old abandoned scout project coop and a small dog run acting as the chicken enclosure. The oldest hen s

Pioneer Trek

Utah was founded by the Mormon pioneers in 1847 after enduring unimaginable losses and seeking a place of peace. July 24th marks the anniversary that the first wagon trains arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. Their numbers were greatly diminished by crossing the country in wagons and handcarts, dying of scurvy, tuberculous, malaria, starvation, unidentified fevers, and freezing to death. This, they found preferable to facing the extermination order put forth by Governor Boggs of Missouri. I believe this is the most courageous act of faith - to leave all they had that was familiar and travel the rough terrain in the unknown in search of a place where they could worship in peace. My daughters left this morning for a small re-creation of what the pioneers experienced. I don't love the idea since I know so many of the pioneers died but it is a way for many of the youth to connect to their ancestors and understand what many of the early members endured for their faith. The youth were asked