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Showing posts from September, 2013

The Old Lady Lying in Wait

My dad called to ask me if I'd be going to the family reunion. I could think of so many other things I wanted to do on this Saturday afternoon. But Dad can't drive since he had rotator cuff surgery three weeks ago. Mom can't see and gets a shot in her eye every 6 weeks. I called my sister, Jene, and hoped I could guilt her into going. It's not that I don't want to strengthen my family ties. It's simply that, to be perfectly honest, the people who go to these types of family reunions are typically old people. I have nothing against old people or sensible, orthotic shoes. I believe in hearing aides and bifocals. I can listen to the old stories over and over again and even recognize how the stories have gotten just a little bit more impossible (starting with walking three miles each way to ten miles, uphill in a snowstorm in July). Jacob has a football game, I have spaghetti sauce to bottle, need to get to Costco, and I really should be around to watch my husband n

A Reason to Rejoice that You're Not Me

Because the one in high school called me at work to inform me that she needed  supplies.  And clean underwear. It will be remembered and held against me someday that I took 20 minutes to run to the high school for my daughter. But I did. But I didn't take clean pants. She needed clean pants? Fine. I'll be back after I'm finished with work. She was not happy but she coped. Finished work and found clean pants for her. Stopped at Subway and got her some lunch. Met her in the office and handed her the pants and the Subway. She was very put out. How did I expect her to eat a Subway when she got her wires tightened on her braces yesterday? How dare I? By the way, she was starving. Why didn't I bring her something soft? How very thoughtless of me. When they all came home from school, Jacob pushed Samantha's buttons. Samantha pushed Jacob's buttons. Neither were innocent. Jacob was sneakier but I still heard him egging her on. She starts using her scary, screamy voice a

Leap of Faith out of Fear and Being Forgotten

Once upon a time I went to a small junior college in southern Utah. Admittedly, there were times when my friends and I skipped class and went hiking on the red cliffs surrounding the town and occasionally went rappelling off those cliffs because we were young and immortal. Yes, I was terrified of heights but I did it, anyway to prove to myself that I could. Close to graduation, I met a guy who was in southern Utah, doing research for his Master's Thesis in Recreational Management. He was great guy although 4 or 5 years older than me. One night, after goofing off with other friends, hiking around and being young, he announced that he was so in love with me. He later told me that he wanted to marry me. He didn't go so far as to ask me, he was merely testing the waters. These waters were too young to want to do anything like limit myself and my dating pool to one man. Marriage was what I was trying to avoid. He married a lovely girl a year or two later and we all moved on with our