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Showing posts from November, 2018


A few weeks ago I found out that my favorite aunt has an incurable cancer and her time is coming to a close. My favorite aunt happens to be married to my favorite uncle, Marvin, who is my mom’s older brother. Marvin and Beth have been constants and integral touchstones throughout my life. My favorite Thanksgivings and celebrations took place at their home in east Salt Lake where someone (maybe Aunt Beth?) came up with games for the kids to play in friendly competition. There is, in someone’s possession, an old reel of film of all of us laying on our backs on the floor with a penny on our noses. The objective was to get the penny to fall off our noses while holding our heads still and using nothing but facial expressions.  I honestly don’t remember a lot of fun of games in their home. I remember the holidays and the celebrations. I remember playing with my cousins in the big backyard until my cousin, Todd, had an asthma attack and we all came inside. I remember the war